Jean-Claude Mezieres is a french comic strip artist. Most of people outside of France dont know him.. But when i was kid i remember reading his Valerian and Laureline adventures and later on, when starwars went out, i had like a "deja-vu" feel...
Well, truth is Mezieres was THE inspiration for the famous series and still is, but master Lucas refuses to recognize the facts.. ( i still like his work no matter what)
Im just spreading the word, like many of other Mezieres fans did bfore me... but ill just let the picts speak for themselves...
left: the starwars series(1977/2002) right: Valerian and laureline adventures (1969/1974)

Well, truth is Mezieres was THE inspiration for the famous series and still is, but master Lucas refuses to recognize the facts.. ( i still like his work no matter what)
Im just spreading the word, like many of other Mezieres fans did bfore me... but ill just let the picts speak for themselves...
left: the starwars series(1977/2002) right: Valerian and laureline adventures (1969/1974)

"Dazzled, jealous... and furious!" (from his own words) He produced this illustration for Pilote magazine in 1983 :

Nobody can deny the huge influence that french sci-fi comics had over Hollywood in the 1960's 1970's and 1980's. Nobody except Hollywood, of course! Other examples would be the character designs of Alien and Tron, the Heavy Metal magazine animated movie, etc.
RépondreSupprimerNice to see you have a blog, I am a brazilian fan who is slowly trading 2D animation for 3D and your work is always a great inspiration for me.
***Going to buy all the Valerian albums*** Thx!
RépondreSupprimerWow..remarkable resemblence.. Coincidence? I guess not XD..Thanks for sharing.
RépondreSupprimerTrue, one of my fav all-time comic book series!
RépondreSupprimerI was a fan of Valerian when I was younger. And you are right. I haven't read the comic book for a long time and as you said the pictures speak for themselves.
RépondreSupprimerI couldn't imagine that.
Wow, c'est vraiment surprenant. Merci pour la vérité.
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funny thing, I just remember reading those comics :D I remember some sleezy slugspecies that was able to morph into different bodies. heck I was horny at the girl, back those child days ^^ merci !
RépondreSupprimerI read them in the Library in my native country of Sweden. I have been looking for them now that I have moved to Belgium, but have yet to find them :/
RépondreSupprimerI must admit I never saw the link before, but now it is blatantly there... wouldn't be the first time the Americans stole something from the French...
Merci pour cette info, qui en dit long...